In this, Lem presented himself, of course. As a student working on an overview of current specialist press for Mieczysław Choynowski’s seminar at the Jagiellonian University. As a pioneer of Polish futurology, studying the latest global trends in order to write Summa Technologiae, which has remained amazingly up-to-date, nearly 60 years later. As an attentive reader of American newspapers that were set aside especially for him in the press kiosk at Hotel Cracovia – and so on.
I hope that Planet Lem will also have a well-stocked linguistic and literary media library. And that it will be accompanied by a decent bookshop. This project commemorating Lem, the great master of science fiction, should be a place where you can stop by to purchase a gift on your way to someone’s ymieniny party. Can there be a better gift than a good book?
Originally written in Polish , Jan 2021, translated by Scotia Gilroy, Aug 2021
Wojciech Orliński is a journalist and writer whose works, amongst others, include the biographies Lem: Życie Nie z Tej Ziemi (Lem: A Life Out of This World) and Człowiek, Który Wynalazł Internet: Biografia Paula Barana (The Man Who Invented the Internet: A Biography of Paul Baran).
This article is presented in partnership with Tygodnik Powszechny.