The project consists of an installation of seven stands that will be erected in the Italian cities of Siena and Orvieto, in places that Zbigniew Herbert visited in 1959 and described in The Barbarian in the Garden (1962).
In both cities, ‘signs’ of Herbert's travels will be placed - in Siena four (Palazzo Pubblico, Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena, Santa Maria della Scala, Fortezza Medicea), in Orvieto three (P. Cahen Funicolare train station, Via dei Gualtieri/Via del Duomo, Piazza Duomo). The route between the stands offers the opportunity to explore Siena and Orvieto along the poet-traveler's route.
Each stand will feature a likeness of the writer, a short biographical text and a quote from The Barbarian in the Garden in Italian and English. It is worth noting that the aforementioned title has never been published in Italian before, a premiere edition is only planned for the future by the Adelphi publishing house. Specially for the project, the IAM has obtained a premiere translation of the excerpts, whose translator is Professor Andrea Ceccherelli. There will also be QR codes on the exhibition stands so that it will be possible to listen to the audio versions of the essays in two languages.