On January 13, 2009 "Polityka" weekly announced 2008 "POLITYKA" PASSPORTS laureates:
Literature - Sylwia Chutnik
Film -
Małgorzata Szumowska Theatre - Paweł Łysak
Visual Arts -
Maciej Kurak Classical Music - Artur Ruciński
Pop-music -
Maria Peszek "Kreator Kultury" / "Cultural Creator" distinction -
Krystian LupaA gala at the
National Theatre on 13th January 209 will mark the sixteenth edition of "Polityka" Passports, the prestigious artistic awards. One of the first of its kind when launched and one of the growing number nowadays, the Passports have remained special owing to their range which encompasses as many as six categories (film, literature, theatre, visual arts, classical and popular music), as well as their emphasis on the original and ambitious beginners who go their own way without succumbing to current fashions and trends. The Passports are cards which identify their holders as ones particularly predisposed to crossing artistic and geographical borders, and the previous winners have indeed created works of universal appeal.
Another distinct feature is the selection procedure, whereby the Chapter names the winners, but selects them from the candidates put forward by leading critics working for the press, television and radio. Each of the ten critics nominates three artists in each category and the three nominations with the strongest endorsement per category are short-listed.
LITERATUREthe literary debut Kieszonkowy atlas kobiet ["Pocket atlas of women"]
"What Sylwia Chutnik has achieved is a kind of a revolution in Polish feminism with its narrow focus on the promotion of Western slogans through academic discussion or the media and its isolation from the Polish realities. Hutnik's novel 'Kieszonkowy atlas kobiet' talks about the common life of a town, presenting bazaar realities, small talk and everyday living" (Anna Nasiłowska).
"A passionate tale proving that the left-wing feminist literature can be more than ad-hoc pamphlets and that the Warsaw Uprising Museum and its political backers do not hold a monopoly on national remembrance" (Paweł Dunin-Wąsowicz).
Jacek Dukajthe novel Lód ["Ice"]
"For a consummate novel, written with a gusto and yet with care for detail, based on a break-neck idea and yet precise, crazy and yet engrossing. Also for entering the frozen territory of Polish myths about Siberian exiles." (Przemysław Czapliński)
"For the breakthrough from a fandom ghetto to Polish mainstream literature with a total novel. 'Lód' is a book so rich in everything that I would like to be it." (Paweł Dunin-Wąsowicz)
the novel Przeproś ["Apologize!"]
"The structure of this book can be tasted and bitten through like a complicated melody based on harmonic counterpoints. Kościów writes about loneliness, confusion, loss and retrieval. He translates reality into the language of dreams and brings dreams into daylight. He is not afraid of break-neck or absurd ideas, and does it all with utmost literary culture and grace." (Piotr Kofta)
"His second novel confirms that the writer has found his own concept for literature and pursues it consistently. Kościów uses the fantasy convention to an original end: that of re-producing the awareness of the sick and the ruled out rather than showing off his creativity. The result is very good." (Marta Mizuro)
For nominations were also taken into consideration: Wojciech Chmielewski, Agnieszka Graff, Roman Honet, Bożena Keff, Jerzy Franczak, Jarosław Maślanek, Tomasz Konatkowski, Monika Rakusa, Bohdan Sławiński, Joanna Tokarska-Bakir, Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki, Daniel Odija, Paweł Przywara,
Krzysztof Varga, Marcin Wroński, Jakub Żulczyk.
FILM Kasia Adamikthe film
"In 'Boisko bezdomnych' Adamik populates the screen with vivid characters, peeks at the moments of doubt, determination and happiness. She shows self-confidence and sense of dignity existing deep down in people. The film is good technically and, more importantly, it projects a totally un-Polish optimism." (Barbara Hollender)
"I nominate Kasia Adamik for optimism, warmth and hope which she finds in the world and with which she infects the audience; for energy and talent which make us expect a lot from her in the future." (Anna Fuksiewicz)
"There is a sense of energy in Adamik's film which is seldom there in the Polish cinema. And it flows not so much from its heartening message as from the very rhythm and temperature of this uplifting story". (Anita Piotrowska)
the film
RYSA ["Scratch"]
"Rosa addresses a topical issue, one where the Polish cinema fails. He shows that even such difficult matters as the screening of individuals for their political past, if tackled by an intelligent film-maker, can invite the audience to a debate instead of preaching. The director has managed to maintain his individual style despite the convoluted and controversial subject." (Magdalena Michalska)
"Rosa speaks out the unspeakable in a masterful fashion, leaving as much as possible to viewers' intelligence. Keep it up!" (Jerzy Płażewski)
"Rosa's 'Rysa' is a rare specimen in the Polish cinema. A profound, unobvious film, an open work which lives its own life and reveals different layers of meanings at each viewing. As proved by the Venice festival, foreign audiences receive this seemingly local, Polish drama very well." (Tadeusz Sobolewski)
Małgorzata Szumowskathe film
33 sceny z życia ["33 Scenes from Life"]
"Szumowska has digested her own trauma on the screen, has made her best film and has given the spectator a chance to understand that a family drama turned her into a mature director capable of everything now. Other than Agnieszka Holland, there has not been a woman speaking so strongly about such intimate matters in the Polish cinema." (Michał Chaciński)
"I would reward Szumowska for personal courage and artistic maturity. For a film which restores faith in the Polish cinema." (Lech Kurpiewski)
"Szumowska proves with her '33 sceny z życia' that she is grown up enough to understand how little one can understand of life. And she has managed to show that in an unpretentious and wise manner." (Jacek Rakowiecki)
For nominations were also taken into consideration:
Łukasz Barczyk, Marcin Dorociński, Jolanta Dylewska, Anna Ferens and Ewa Stankiewicz,
Dariusz Gajewski,
Marcin Koszałka,
Waldemar Krzystek, Iza Kuna, Antoni Łazarkiewicz, Michał Oleszczyk.
THEATRE Iwona Kempa
"The Polish art is said to lack the so-called mainstream, that is solid work from one bell ring to another, with no crazy fireworks or memorable falls - just a penetrating read of an intelligent text, thorough work with actors and unimposing direction that helps instead of beating you on the head. Such has been, for years, Iwona Kempa's theatre, most notably her perfect recent production of Bergman's 'Private Confessions' " (Tadeusz Nyczek)
"Another remarkable woman in the Polish theatre. Going her own way and not waving a flag of some ideology or generation." (Wojciech Majcherek)
"For maturity in portraying the contemporary man on stage, for the skill of combining new means of expression with traditional strengths of the theatre, for the interesting choice of repertoire addressed to the modern-day intelligentsia at Toruń's Teatr im. Horzycy which she manages." (Jacek Sieradzki)
Paweł Łysak
"For creating a theatre in a town which lacks Legnica's history of colourful traumas or Wałbrzych's exciting look in reportages. He has revived the formula of the First Performances Festival and has turned Bydgoszcz's Teatr Polski into an institution which, catering for theatre education, conferences and discussions, is a model theatre that has its own, distinct character." (Joanna Derkaczew)
"[Łysak] has been consistent in building an ambitious repertoire and has attracted new audiences with the projects surrounding every premiere. He has also produced an excellent 'Sprawa Dantona' / The Danton Case, forcing the audience to fight for their freedom." (Paweł Sztarbowski)
"For the 'momentum of the start', surrounding the premieres with a net of projects, discussions and actions to activate the audiences, the theatre and the town. This nomination is also driven by the high artistic standards of his 'Sprawa Dantona', a production which has unfairly been pushed into the shadow of the one by Jan Klata." (Łukasz Drewniak)
Paweł Passini
"He is missing art which would let us recognize ourselves in our national identity - and that is why he has chosen Stanisław Wyspiański as his master. His two excellent productions, 'Odpoczywanie' and 'Hamlet'44', announce a return of the Polish theatre to its romantic roots." (Jacek Kopciński)
"For huge enthusiasm and will to work. His 'Odpoczywanie' was arguably the most original artistic statement of the Year of Wyspiański." (Tadeusz Kornaś)
"For an extraordinarily original vision of the theatre in the production of 'Odpoczywanie' at Cracow's Łaźnia Nowa, which, though originating from Wyspiański, was as remote as possible from an anniversary celebration." (Jacek Sieradzki)
For nominations were also taken into consideration: Michał Borczuch,
Grzegorz Bral, Paweł Demirski, Tupika (musical duo: Paweł Szamburski and Patryk Zakrocki),
Krystyna Janda, Anna Maria Karczmarska, Wojtek Klemm, Dominika Kluźniak, Justyna Łagowska, Maria Seweryn, Bartosz Szydłowski, Marcin Wierzchowski, Tomasz Wygoda, Barbara Wysocka, Małgorzata Sugiera, Mateusz Borowski, Joanna Zając, Wojciech Baluch.
VISUAL ARTS Oskar Dawicki"This excellent performance artist amazes and amuses us with his intelligence and ideas. His works share a bitter reflection on the world (and art)." (Dorota Jarecka)
"Our best performance artist. Author of brilliant artistic provocations. Outstanding intelligence and unbridled creativity. All he does is characterized by self-distance and an ironic attitude to reality." (Monika Małkowska)
Maciej Kurak"There is a good deal of humour, but also some deep reflection on the reality which surrounds us. He provokes the viewers and plays with them taking advantage of their being accustomed to obvious spatial relations in urban, public or private architecture." (Paweł Łubowski)
"His installations often combine ironic concepts with current social problems. His works can both surprise with their powerful artistic effect as well as cleverly blend in the urban space." (Marek Nowicki)
"The artist who keeps trying to transgress the boundaries set by the contemporary world of art. He literally runs away from galleries and from his identity of a recognized artist." (Piotr Bernatowicz)
Piotr Wysocki
"His works show people confronting their weaknesses. He analyzes in detail their struggle against the reality in the context of cultural conditionings." (Paweł Łubowski)
"He analyzes how individuals function with respect to social and cultural norms. In doing so, he espouses praiseworthy humility towards the people and situations he records." (Marek Nowicki)
For nominations were also taken into consideration: Sylwester Ambroziak, Basia Bańda,
Wojciech Bąkowski, Olaf Brzeski, Bogna Burska,
Mikołaj Długosz, Jan Dziaczkowski, Aneta Grzeszykowska&Jan Smaga,
Rafał Jakubowicz, Jerzy Kosałka, Tomasz Kowalski, Kamil Kuskowski, Kobas Laksa&
Nicolas Grospierre,
Zbigniew Libera,
Paulina Ołowska, Tomasz Rygalik,
Wilhelm Sasnal, Jadwiga Sawicka, Maciej Sieńczyk, Izabela Tarasewicz, Zorka Wollny, Jakub Julian Ziółkowski.
CLASSICAL MUSIC Marcin Zdunik (cellist)
"He concertizes across Europe and Asia, often playing his own music or his arrangements of music by others (he has written, among other things, a parallel cello voice for Paganini's 'Caprices' in Janusz Wawrowski's project; it is a masterpiece!). He sounds strong and beautiful, intense, emotional and true." (Tomasz Cyz)
"His great musicality, sensitivity, imagination and fantastic technical ability are delightful. An excellent soloist and an expert chamber musician." (Adam Rozlach)
"With a little bit of luck he may soon join the group of the most demanded soloists in the world. His talent, his superb control of the instrument and, already, considerable experience, are really impressive." (Robert Kamyk)
"A true collector of competition awards. Were he a pianist or a violinist, he would have become a star by now, but as he has chosen an instrument of a lower profile on concert programs, he has been climbing the success ladder at a slower, though consistent, pace. One of Poland's most gifted young musicians with a mature personality. A talent which appears once in a score of years." (Jacek Marczyński)
"He is not content with what he has already achieved; he keeps honing his skills and expands his repertoire, adding mostly contemporary music. Composers - Krzysztof Penderecki including - go out to him to have their works performed. An ambitious and well-organized man, Długosz divides his time between studying, solo performances and concerts with reputed orchestras in Poland and abroad." (Ewa Solińska)
Artur Ruciński (baritone)
"Nomination for a huge talent as well as for a consistent and thought-through career-building - something hugely unpopular in Poland. One of the few of our singers to take determined and unstopping care for a high standard of Polish opera productions, of which many, incidentally, are noteworthy solely due to his parts. A special, unassuming and endearing artistic personality." (Adrianna Ginał)
"One of the most talented Polish baritones, confirming his class in each of his operatic roles. As Valentin in Robert Wilson's production of 'Faust' at the National Opera, his vocal skills towered above those of the soloists invited from abroad." (Robert Kamyk)
"Nomination for the better and better performances on the opera stages of Warsaw and Cracow, offering splendid combinations of his strengths: a beautiful baritone, a superb physique, and an acting talent. For the increasingly frequent and successful adventures into the 20th century classics and contemporary music." (Dorota Kozińska)
For nominations were also taken into consideration:
Piotr Beczała,
Cezary Duchnowski, Michał Dworzyński,
Ryszard Groblewski, Jarosław Kitala, Łukasz Kuropaczewski, Aleksandra Kurzak, Mikołaj Pałosz, Piotr Różański, Iwona Sobotka, Krzysztof Urbański, Wojciech Ziemowit Zych, Kwartet im. Szymanowskiego / The Szymanowski Quartet,
POP MUSIC L.U.C (Łukasz Rostkowski)
"Born in Zielona Góra, though a Wrocław man in spirit, author of the theory of four galaxies (music, poetry, film, graphic arts) inside which he, as an all-out artist, moves with an extraordinary ease. The records he launches under his own name or as the group Kanał Audytywny offer a brilliant mélange of rap, nu jazz and trip hop." (Maciej Chmiel)
"A hip-hop artist with a literary grip on language, an amazing music imagination and a huge potential." (Bartek Chaciński)
"Suffering from a creative ADHD, he consistently goes his own multimedia way without looking to the market, to the industry and to anything." (Piotr Metz)
Maria Peszek"Maria Peszek is back and restores our faith in natural erection, personal songs and unbridled creative freedom. Her record 'Awaria' [Breakdown] reveals the qualitative and quantitative breakdowns of her singing colleagues failing to cope with linguistic banality, literality and vulgarity. Peszek does not compete in the races of silicone bolides and of tips as long as the celebrated Road 66. She goes back to the artistic roots and flavour of words such as scandal or controversy. Smolik's music is like from a Tarantino's film after The Vagina Monologues. Miss Peszek gives a double meaning to the slogan 'Easy, it's just a Breakdown'." (Kuba Wojewódzki)
"The disc 'Maria Awaria' presents an artistically coherent vision composed around a tricky and consciously built image. The music is original and catchy, and the lyrics abound in humour, puns and self-irony, breaking linguistic and sexual taboos without crossing the border of vulgarity." (Robert Sankowski)
" 'Maria Awaria' is a brave and brilliant combination of feminine subtlety and vulgarity in one record. Peszek's manipulations with the Polish language remove the offence from such words as 'erection', 'sexresses' or 'dick' and strip sexuality of its taboo character. The credit for the autumnal and lightly jazzy sound filled with whispers and producing an erotic mood goes to Andrzej Smolik." (Hirek Wrona)
Pustki (Radek Łukasiewicz - guitars, vocal; Grzegorz Śluz - drums; Barbara Wrońska - vocal, keyboard; Szymon Tarkowski - bass)
"A group which has fascinatingly grown from a garage band to rock artists." (Bartek Chaciński)
" 'Koniec kryzysu' is the best, most coherent and most personal record in the discography of the Warsaw group. It is also a kind of a self-therapy for the group whose existence was put under a question mark after its vocalist Jan Piętka had left. The disc's thirteen clever and evocative songs talk about boredom, loneliness and difficult love in the times of pop-culture. But 'Pustki' is not just that, as proven by their theatre music disc released earlier this year. Nature tolerates no vacuum, so if 'Pustki' did not exist, they would have to be invented." (Hubert Musiał)
"Kudos for noble simplicity." (Grzegorz Brzozowicz)
For nominations were also taken into consideration: Pan Profeska, O.S.T.R., Jacaszek, Izrael, Czesław Śpiewa, Marcin Masecki, Za Siódmą Górą, Lao Che, Dick4Dick, Vavamuffin, Lesław (Komety), Aleksandra Kwaśniewska, Gabriela Kulka.
See also: "Polityka" Passports
2007 edition...,
2006 edition...,
2005 edition...,
2004 edition...,
2003 edition...,
Festival 2003...,
2002 edition...