Qudsja Zaher
In 2013, the premiere of his long-awaited (Szymański wrote it 6 years earlier) opera debut took place at the Wielki Theatre – National Opera. The libretto was written by documentary filmmaker Maciej Drygas, creator of such pictures as Hear Me Cry (1991), State of Weightlessness (1994) or One Day In PRL. (2005). The opera was directed by Lithuanian director Eimuntas Nekrošius.
Libretto written by Drygas combines different orders: the first one is based on his reporting experience, the second one on Scandinavian mythology, which is why Qudsia Zaher was called the first Polish eschatological opera. The title character is an Afghan refugee, whom the librettist met in the 1990s, talking to refugees from Africa, Asia and the disintegrating Soviet Union, for whom Poland was one of the through stations during their long wandering.
Qudsja’s role was sung by Olga Pasiecznik (Szymański wrote this part especially for the Polish-Ukrainian singer). The whole opera is written for two choirs singing separately. Different languages intertwine all the time – there’s Polish, Lithuanian, German, and Greek, which is constantly present in Szymański’s work.
Szymański’s opera was very well received by foreign critics. Shirley Apthorp, a reviewer from the Financial Times, compares Qudsia Zaher to operas such as Elliot Carter’s What Next?, Toshi Hosokawa’s Matsukaze, and Pascal Dusapin’s Passion.
In 2014, Qudsja Zaher was nominated for the Opera Awards 2014 in the World Premiere category.