Franciszek Karpiński was born into the family of a poor nobleman in Hołosków in Pokucie. In 1750, he started attending a Jesuit college in Stanisławów, and later a Jesuit academy in Lviv, where he received a doctoral degree in philosophy and liberal arts, as well as a baccalaureate in theology; however, he did not become a priest. During his studies, he held the function of Józef Maurycy Cieński’s guardian. In 1770, he left with Józef Kobylański for Vienna to complete his education. Upon his return to the homeland, he led a modest life as a sharecropper, and also worked as a teacher on magnate courts.
Karpiński became famous within his lifetime. He very quickly became a folk and national poet. His works were sung in Russia, France, Bohemia, and Germany.
He debuted in 1780 with a book titled Zabawki Wierszem i Przykłady Obyczajne (Lyrical Games and Cultural Examples), which he dedicated to Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski. In the same year, he went to Warsaw, where he assumed the function of Prince Czartoryski’s secretary. The 46 poems from his début collection included the idyll Do Justyny, Tęskność na Wiosnę (To Justyna, a Springtime Longing). Karpiński’s idylls break down into two groups. The first one, which includes for instance Lara i Filon (Laura and Filon), is comprised of conventional idyllic poems. The other one, represented by Do Justyny, Tęskność na Wiosnę, includes idylls in the form of internal monologues.
Karpiński was the first theoretician of sentimental poetry. He laid out his reflections on it in the treatise O Wymowie w Prozie Albo w Wierszu (On Expression in Prose and Poetry). After publishing three more poetry collections, Karpiński, disappointed by life in the capital, returned to the countryside.
From 1785, he stayed in Białystok, in the Branicki manor, where he wrote Pieśni Nabożne (Songs of Reverence), released in the spring of 1792 (on the first anniversary of the signing of the Polish Constitution), with which he once again confirmed his excellence. Pieśni Nabożne combine solemnity, simplicity, themes found in psalms, liturgical songs, anthems, and Latin religious hymns. The entire volume is bracketed by the songs: Poranna (Morning Song) and Wieczorna (Evening Song), while the rest is ordered according to a liturgical calendar. Some songs have survived to this day as part of ‘home mass’: Kiedy Ranne Wstają Zorze (When the Morning Lights Arise), Wszystkie Nasze Dzienne Sprawy (All Our Daily Cares), and one of the most beautiful Polish Christmas carols: Bóg się Rodzi (God is Born).
Karpiński also wrote several notable patriotic songs, out of which the most famous ones include Żale Sarmaty nad Grobem Zygmunta Augusta (A Sarmatian's Lament at the Tomb of Sigismund Augustus) and Pieśń Dziada Sokalskiego w Kordonie Cesarskim (Sokal Pauper’s Song in Emperor’s Cordon).
In 1818, he became the owner of the Chołowszczyzna manor near Wołkowysk (now Vawkavysk in Belarus), where he spent the rest of his life, writing Historia Mego Wieku i Ludzi, z Którymi Żyłem (The History Of My Age And People With Whom I Lived), an intimate journal inspired by Confessions by J.J. Rousseau, whom Karpiński regarded as his greatest master.
He was referred to as ‘the poet of the heart,’ ‘poet of the senses,’ or ‘Justyna’s lover,’ however despite the great romantic elation poured onto paper, Karpiński did not experience joy with any of the three beloved Justynas and remained alone until the end of his life.
Poetry works
- Pieśni nabożne (Songs of Reverence), Supraśl 1792. Reprint of the original with afterword by A.K. Guzek, published by Oficyna Supraska, Supraśl 1992.
- Pieśni nabożne (Songs of Reverence). Selection and edition: Roman Dąbrowski. Published by Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych ‘Universitas,’ Kraków 2002, Series: Klasyka Mniej Znana.
- Wybór Poezyj (Selected Poems), ed. Władysław Jankowski, published by Krakowska Spółka Wydawnicza, Kraków 1926.
- Wiersze wybrane (Selected Poems). Selection and introduction: Jan Kott. Published by Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warsaw 1966.
- Poezje wybrane (Selected Poems). Edited by Tomasz Chachulski. Published by Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1997. National Library: series 1, no. 89.
- Wybór wierszy (Selected Poems). Edited and selected by: Anna Chojowska. Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych 'Universitas,’ Kraków 2003. Series: Klasyka Mniej Znana.
- Zabawki wierszem i prozą (Games in Poetry and Prose). Warsaw 1782. Facsimile edition with afterword by Roman Sobol, published by Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1981.
- Historia mego wieku i ludzi, z którymi żyłem (The History Of My Age And People With Whom I Lived), ed. Roman Sobol, published by Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warsaw 1987.
- Elżbieta Aleksandrowska, ‘Franciszek Karpiński’ [in:] Dawni Pisarze Polscy, vol. 2. Coordination of the publication: Roman Loth. Published by Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne Spółka Akcyjna, Warsaw 2001.
- Wacław Borowy, ‘Karpiński’ [in:] Borowy, O poezji polskiej w wieku XVIII. Published by Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków 1948.
- Tomasz Chachulski, Franciszek Karpiński. Published by Towarzystwo im. Stanisława ze Skarbimierza Wydawnictwo ‘DiG’, Warsaw 1998. Series: Ludzie niezwyczajni.
- Marcin Cieński, ‘Kreacja pejzażu w poezji Franciszka Karpińskiego,’ [in:] Cieński, Pejzaże oświeconych. Sposoby przedstawiania krajobrazu w literaturze polskiej w latach 1770-1830, published by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2000.
- Andrzej Krzysztof Guzek, ‘Franciszek Karpiński’ [in:] Pisarze Polskiego Oświecenia. Eds. Teresa Kostkiewiczowa and Zbigniew Goliński, vol. 1, published by Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 1992.
- Mieczysław Klimowicz, ‘Franciszek Karpiński,’ [in:] Klimowicz, Oświecenie, published by Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 1999.
- ‘O wymowie w prozie albo wierszu,’ [in:] Oświeceni o literaturze, part I. Eds. Teresa Kostkiewiczowa and Zbigniew Goliński. Published by Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 1995.
- Teresa Kostkiewiczowa, ‘Model liryki sentymentalnej w twórczości Franciszka Karpińskiego.’ Published by Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich, Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wrocław 1964. Z dziejów form artystycznych w literaturze polskiej, vol. 2.
- Antoni Reginek, ‘Pieśni nabożne’ Franciszka Karpińskiego oraz psalmy w jego tłumaczeniu w przekazach źródłowych i tradycji ustnej: studium teologiczno-muzykologiczne. Published by Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2005.
- Roman Sobol, Franciszek Karpiński. Published by Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw 1987. Małe Portrety Literackie.
- Roman Sobol, ‘Ze studiów nad Karpińskim.’ Published by Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich, Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wrocław 1967. Studia z okresu Oświecenia, vol. 7.
Author: Joanna Szulczewska, December 2007. Text originally written in Polish for the online Antologia polskiej poezji od Średniowiecza do wieku XXI (Anthology of Polish Poetry from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century), conceived by Piotr Matywiecki. Transl. AM, December 2016