Michał Witkowski's debut volume of short stories tells of the youthful illusions of a young man from the European provinces, which are awakened by the glittering world of consumerism...
Michał Witkowski's debut volume of short stories tells of the youthful illusions of a young man from the European provinces, which are awakened by the glittering world of consumerism. The hero slowly matures as he becomes acquainted with the mythical West (from Chewing-Gum Donald to Hotel Victoria, which epitomises of luxury) and gradually loses his illusions in the process. The world, which to begin with is observed through the enthusiastic eyes of a child, changes on closer acquaintance into the hell of pop culture.
"The book is really a pleasure to read and is amusing as well. It has the kind of humour which I love," said writer Olga Tokarczuk about the book.
Michał Witkowski (b. 1975) is a writer and literary critic. Copyright is his first book.
- Michał Witkowski
Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa, Krakow 2001
© Michał Witkowski
144 x 204, 94 pages, paperback
ISBN 83-7220-247-8