Opening hours: Closed 1st November and 25th December; open 15th May-15th September, Mondays, 9am-3pm, other days, 9am-6pm; 16th September-14th May, daily, 9am-3pm.
The Slovinians were a small Pomeranian ethnic group. Related to the Kashubs, they are now extinct. The project of preserving evidence of Slovinian material culture was initiated in Kluki in 1963. The open air museum, situated within the Slovinian National Park, is a reconstruction of the traditional Slovinian village and consists of seven farms, a storage and a fisherman's hut. The oldest, eighteenth century cottage of Charlotta Klick houses an exhibition entitled "Around the Kitchen Stove. The Pomeranian Kitchen from the Early Eighteenth to the Mid-Twentieth Century". Other farms were built in the course of the nineteenth century and in the early twentieth century. As some were occupied by as many as three families, the cottages were divided into three parts of similarly arranged interiors comprising a hall, a kitchen, a pantry, a living room and a bedroom. Cottages are accompanied by farm buildings, barns, freestanding bread ovens, overground cellars, and wells. Visitors may see the re-created interiors of fisherman and farmer dwellings of the first half of the twentieth century. The furnishings are simple and include tables, beds, wardrobes, decorated chests with metal fittings, stools and cradles. One of the cottages features a re-created interior of a house of settlers who came to Pomerania in large numbers in the 1940's, after the Soviet Army had got control over their native Wilno area. Farm buildings house exhibitions showing yarn spinning, peat digging, reeding, roofing, and means of transport. Fishing boats, tools and equipment are also displayed, as are Pomeranian folk arts and crafts. The open air museum is also a venue of bread baking and peat digging presentations.
Muzeum Wsi Słowińskiej w Klukach
Oddział Muzeum Pomorza Środkowego w Słupsku
Kluki 27
Region: pomorskie
Phone/Fax: (+48 59) 846 30 20
Fax: (+48 59) 832 66 00
Email: muzeum@muzeumkluki.plTen adres email jest ukrywany przed spamerami, włącz obsługę JavaScript w przeglądarce, by go zobaczyć