In his prose, Białoszewski continued his play with language and the reader’s habits. The author chose literary genres which are situated on the borderland of generally established literary categories: a memoir, a diary, a reportage. He blurred the line between the literary genre of his works, sometimes interweaving prose and poetry, mixing a fictitious reality created by the narrator with facts from the author’s biography. Białoszewski wrote his Pamiętnik z Powstania Warszawskiego (A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising, 1970) as a story told by a civilian in a simple and common manner. It won recognition as an outstanding, original and highly authentic text. The writer’s following prose publications, Donosy rzeczywistości (Denunciations of Reality, 1973), Szumy, Zlepy, Ciągi (Rustlings, Lumps and Pathways, 1976), Zawał (Heart Attack, 1977) and Rozkurz (Wasted, 1980) were written in characteristic style, with a focus on the writer’s daily activities, gatherings with friends, his day and night wanderings. Whereas Obmapywanie Europy (Mapping Europe) and AAAmeryka (AAAmerica), published posthumously, offer descriptions of the writer’s travels across Europe and the United States in an astonishing and innovative form.
Like no other artist of his generation, Miron Białoszewski embraced new technologies to scrutinise himself and his work. His experiments are immortalised in tape-recorded audio materials and were released in 2014 by Bołt Records.
Miron Białoszewski is unanimously considered to be one of the most significant writers of the Polish literature of the 20th century and a remarkable personality both in terms of his poetics and life philosophy.
- Obroty rzeczy /The Revolution of Things, Warsaw, PIW, 1956
- Rachunek zachciankowy / A Wishful Accounting, Warsaw, PIW, 1959
- Mylne wzruszenia / Erroneous Emotions, Warsaw, PIW, 1961
- Było i było / It Was and It Was, Warsaw, PIW, 1965
- Odczepić się / Get Lost, Warsaw, PIW, 1978
- Wiersze / Poems, Warsaw, PIW, 1976
- Wiersze / Poems, Warsaw, People’s Publishing Cooperative, 1976
- collection of poems in the series of Poeci polscy / Polish Poets, Warsaw, Czytelnik, 1977
- Trzydzieści lat wierszy / Thirty Years of Poems, Warsaw, PIW, 1982
- Stara proza. Nowe wiersze. / Old Prose. New Poems, Warsaw, PIW,1984
- Oho, Warsaw, PIW, 1985
- Pamiętnik z Powstania Warszawskiego / A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising, Warsaw, PIW, 1970
- Donosy rzeczywistości / Denunciations of Reality, Warsaw, PIW, 1973
- Szumy, zlepy, ciągi / Rustlings, Lumps and Pathways, Warsaw, PIW, 1976
- Zawał / Heart Attack, Warsaw, PIW, 1977
- Rozkurz / Wasted, Warsaw, PIW, 1980
- Obmapywanie Europy. AAAmeryka. Ostatnie wiersze / Mapping Europe. AAAmerica. Last Poems, Warsaw, PIW, 1988
- Teatr osobny. 1955 – 63 / The Separate Theatre. 1955 – 1963, Warsaw, PIW, 1971
Author: Bartłomiej Szleszyński, Polish Studies Department, University of Warsaw, March 2003.