This, however, is a topic for a separate story. In short: Russia, if it only wanted to – and it does not want to, therefore it must be persuaded or forced – could develop in the spirit of Polishness, thanks to which it would take on a different form from that of a military drill, finally becoming something more specific, with a view to the personal freedom of ordinary people. Anya, Taras, Sasha, Lyosha – although no, not Lyosha – then Lusya and of course our wonderful, beloved Natasha – they have all been Polish at least once, so they know what it’s like. However, when you ask them about history or politics, about Katyń, Kolyma, Mariupol, their faces harden, change beyond recognition, take on imperial features, an expression of inhuman strength. And then those good people turn back into plain Russkis who stand upright and look for someone to punch. All it takes is an order, a nod from the tsar. This is just who they are. And then, in a way that’s incomprehensible to themselves and others, they soften again, they want to be Poles again, our beloved Slavic brothers. Should we be indifferent to the need for permanent change, of which they are unaware? Secretly, every Russian wants to be a Pole but is afraid to admit it even to themselves. They are prevented from doing so by the Russian infernal Leviathan, which demands from all of them the Aztec cult of blood and sacrifice … Я, я, я, только я.
And what to do with Asia, with all the inheritance from the former Russia, which made it a powerful, wealthy and dangerous entity? Cut it off! Let Asia – a cursed, inhuman land – drift towards Asia. These are poisoned resources for which millions of human beings have paid with their lives and suffering. This land – like the Belgian Congo – only spoils Russia and Europe. It is their hell.
Translated from Polish by Michał Pelczar