7. Czy rak trzyma w szczypcach strzęp szczawiu czy trzy części trzciny
Meaning: ‘Does the crab hold in its claws a piece of dock [the plant] or three pieces of reed?’
Combine fricatives with affricates (c, ć, cz / dz, dź, dż) and we have a problem. But keep trying:
Czy trzy cytrzystki grają na cytrze,
czy druga gwiżdże, a trzecia łzy trze?
The above examples show the Polish tongue as a truly dangerous and potentially (self-) destructive weapon. One can almost understand now a certain apocryphal Sarah Bernhardt quote. Asked about how she liked the Polish language, the famous actress reportedly replied:
A lot, it's as if someone was chewing glass.
You can probably see now, as in the self-referential line from Jacek Kaczmarski’s song Elekcja, that this sabre-like Polish language really ‘cuts, whizzes and crunches’. But the original line in Polish is obviously so much better:
Szablistą polszczyzną tnie, świszcze i chrzęści